International-mindedness lies at the very heart of the IB Mission which aims to develop young people “who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect … who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."*

Last week QAHS welcomed from our Pacific Island neighbour, Fiji, with its population of 900 000, High School Principal Mr Emosi Kuli. Mr Kuli is undertaking a 3 month professional experience in Australia, sponsored by Rotary International.

QAHS enjoyed the opportunity to share two days of his professional experience with Mr Kuli engaging in Academy life during Gifted Awareness Week and connecting with our Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct partners at the forefront of his visit. We are appreciative for those who were very generous with their time in furthering connections across the Pacific:
- Dr Loraine McKay, Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Professional Studies, Griffith University who engaged with Mr Kuli on the accredited processes for growing the teacher workforce and explored the idea of partnering with Fiji for teacher training practicums.
- Mr Craig Rowsell, CEO Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct who toured Mr Kuli around some of the building works underway in the Precinct and shared the exciting vision for innovation in biotech and research collaboration detailed in the Precinct's strategic plan.
- Mr Garry Brown, Deputy Principal who shared our Academy teachers practices in using student achievement data to inform pedagogy.
- Mrs Alita Lee, Deputy Principal sharing the Academy's Wellbeing framework “Be Well to do Well".
- Ms Tammie Gilbert, Head of Department Contemporary Teaching and Learning sharing our models for pedagogy and teachers collegially engaging in classroom Learning Walks and Talks.
- Mr Anir Lal, Head of Department Science sharing the Griffith University – QAHS Mentoring Partnership in student investigative science.
Mr Kuli returns to Fiji in June ready to share with the Fijian Ministry of Education the many best practice ideas learnt from his Australian colleagues.
*Source: International Baccalaureate. (n.d). International-mindedness in practice. https://www.ibo.org/ib-world-archive/september-2012/international-education-its-time-to-think-again/
Vanessa Rebgetz