It's been a very productive week for QAHS bands at the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. Our Concert Band performed in the A Grade Concert / Wind Orchestra section on Monday, amongst nine bands, and received a Gold Standard, which is reserved for scores between 81-95%. Then on Friday our Stage Band, after winning first place in B Grade in 2023, won first place in the A Grade Stage Band section, also out of nine bands, completing back-to-back first place finishes. They were also given a Platinum Standard, which is reserved for scores of 96% and above, and, were also given the award of Most Outstanding Secondary School Band / Orchestra of the Gold Coast Eisteddfod.

The Concert Band of 43 students, and the Stage Band of 22 students, were amongst the largest ensembles in terms of student participation in their sections.The fact that both of our bands had the opportunity and resources to appear at Gold Coast Eisteddfod, would not have been possible without the work of our Instrumental Music teachers, Ms Sue Purton, and Mr Matthew Armstrong. Both staff have gone above and beyond, in the pursuit of helping our students realise the heights of their combined and individual potential. Thank you so much, to Mr Armstrong and Ms Purton.

Our ensembles, which are used by many students as part of their CAS program, are open to students of all ability levels, and students are welcome to join at any time, including our String Ensemble which rehearses on Wednesdays. The next performances of these three ensembles, will be at the Academy Awards Ceremony, and at our Performing Arts Showcase in Week 5 of Term 4.
Patrick Emery
Brilliant Futures Coordinator, Music Teacher / Coordinator, ToK Teacher