The Australian Science Olympiad Exams (ASOE), coordinated by Australian Science Innovations (ASI), are rigorous assessments aimed at identifying and developing exceptional science students from across Australia. They cover multiple disciplines, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth and Environmental Science. These exams are a gateway for high-performing students to progress towards representing Australia in international science competitions.
The University of Melbourne's Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition is an annual program which challenges students to apply innovative problem-solving and research skills to real-world mathematical inquiries. Students are given a set of open-ended research problems from which they choose one. They can then employ methods used by mathematical researchers to investigate their problem; they can gather data, simplify, visualise, hypothesise, conjecture and prove.
Please join us in congratulating the following students in achieving a Distinction in the following disciplines.

We acknowledge and applaud all students who participated in any of the enrichment competitions on offer at QAHS. Congratulations once again to all participants for representing QAHS proudly in these events!
Dion Obst
HOD Global Connect