QAHS is in its second year of offering competitive chess, with teams of students playing against Gold Coast Secondary Schools once per term in a one day tournament. Term 2 has been QAHS's strongest outing to date with some high quality chess being played against the highest ranking students in the Gold Coast area. Throughout 2023 and into 2024 we have gained a number of merit ribbons and even a placing medal with Jason Liu in Term 1.

This term a keen team of students went over to Saint Stephen's College to compete in Division A and B. Division A is made up of some of the highest ranked students on the East Coast and is a tough competition to step in to. Elizaveta Gratchev wasn't going to let that stop her as she stepped into the auditorium to compete as an individual seeking chess glory. Liza allowed her inner chess master to flow as she out-played her competitors each match. Congratulations go to Liza for taking out the Division A champion for Term 2. What an incredible achievement for her and for the competitive chess players of QAHS.

We look forward to the Term 3 tournament and the amazing growth of the chess players at QAHS.
Rachael Hart
HOD Global Learners