Last week, I was given the honour to represent not only my school but also the South-East region of Queensland within the Ministerial Youth Advisory Council. Here, I met our Queensland Education Minister, the Honourable Di Farmer, Minister for Educaiton and Minister for Youth Justice an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. This gave me a chance to engage with someone who holds significant power within our education system.
With the Minister, we discussed the results of the recently implemented 'Away for the day,' phone policy, where I heard not only from the minister herself, but also from an array of my peers from each of their respective regions. It was rather fascinating to gain an insight into how the same policy impacts different regions. In addition to this, we were posed the question, “What is the current problem faced by youth at your school?" During this, Minister Di Farmer listened carefully, seeking to find a solution to each of our challenges.

Also at the meeting, we were shown two presentations. One being a national week of action against bullying and the other being an emphasis on the importance of cultural and linguistical diversity. This highlighted the importance of social cohesion and intercultural understanding within our state. Overall, this experience left me with a renewed sense of advocacy for education, knowing that I'm representing each and every one of my fellow peers, and voicing their concerns. Ultimately, I am striving to utilise my position in the Ministerial Youth Advisory Council to ensure education becomes accessible for everyone.
Naajiya Mohinudeen
Year 11 Student